

Revue du Cercle de Généalogie Juive # 68 Winter 2001


Preliminary document for the 1784 census of the Jews of Rosheim
Jean-Pierre Kleitz

The "Dénombrement Général des Juifs tolérés en la Province d'Alsace en 1784" is an invaluable genealogical tool for the reconstruction of the Jewish families at the end of the 18th century. Sparse preliminary documents, yet unpublished, have been kept. They provide vital and social status information on the persons "interviewed" which do not appear in the Dénombrement as published. The information for Rosheim is published here.



Searching my ancestor Magdeleine in Lorraine
Gérard Lévy


The author describes his long and patient trudge through documents and his personal exploration of archives in order to find data on his ancestor. He eventually discovers the marriage record in "Les mariages Juifs en Moselle de1792-1892", recently published by Jean-Louis CALBAT.


A new link between Mississippi and France


Jacob Schleichkorn


France and the Deep South are well-known for their connections. Here is a
new occurrence. In the Jewish cemetery in Biloxi (Mississippi) only one
gravestone remains, that of Michel Lévy, born in Paris in 1880. The author
tells its history, which finally leads to Poland, where the search has not
yet been pursued.



Jews in the armies of the French Revolution and the  Napoleon Empire. Selected portraits and figures.
Pierre Lautmann


This is a sample of a long-range work undertaken by the author. He has
already given a lecture on the topic at the International Conference on
Jewish Genealogy in London, in July 2001. At the French Military Archives in Vincennes (Service Historique de l'Armée) he has examined some two hundred volumes (out of several thousand) of the matriculation registers where all military personnel serving in the French forces between 1791 and 1815 are listed by regiment and time period. He then has requested and exploited the personal files of those whose names seemed possibly Jewish.
Complementary sources are also shown.


Two t'filin bags from North Africa : a chronicle in Hebrew paleography.
Eliane Roos-Schuhl


The author studies two velvet bags used to store the talith and t'filin
used in the morning prayer. Their embroidered inscriptions lead to the
identification of their owner and of his birth date derived from the date
of his bar-mitzvah.



A long expected publication of the CGJ is available: Les Cimetières
Israélites de Moselle by Jean-Pierre BERNARD, 700 pages showing in detail the 50 Jewish Cemeteries of the Moselle département (France). The14500 names are indexed, making research easy.


The new website of the CGJ with its English version, completely revamped, is open at www.genealoj.org


Présence Juive dans la Cité is a booklet on the history of the Jewish
Communities in the Lyon region.



Pierre-André MEYER analyzes in detail the new book by Pascal FAUSTINI : La communauté  juive de Metz et ses familles (1565-1665).