"Préposés" of Alsatian Jews in the 18th century (p.7)
From many explained sources (part of which are personal archives), Eliane Roos made a list of more than 150 "Préposés" (kind ofadministrators) of Jews, in almost one hundred
Alsatian towns, between 1715 and 1789.
Mormons Genealogical Libraries in France (p.12)
A full of détails guide for this very important genealogical source, by Basile Ginger.
Judeo-Portuguese communities in South-West France, from 16th to beginning of 18thcentury (p. 16)
The history of one of the four French Jewish "Nations", by Richard Ayoun.
The Jewish Community of Veroli (Italy) (p.22)
Our former President, Michel Mayer-Crémieux,tells the story of this community, from where
might come his great-great-great-grandfather.
Computing (p.24)
Genealogy Software Review : FTP (Family Tree Print). Interesting genealogical tree printouts, from a "gedcom" database.
Concentration Camp Records (p.27)
Archives found in Majdanek, Auschwitz, and ITS (International Tracing Service) at Arolsen (from a text by Miriam Weiner).
Current activities (p.30)
Cercle Archives : choise s (or changes) of names in 1808, in Alsace (Pierre Katz) ;
Jewish Cemeteries in France : Project of Inquiry(Claude Hess).
See also :
Informations (p.26) ; Magazines (p.28) ; Books
(p.29) ; Queries and Answers (p.32) . Ancestry-lineage lists (p. 35)