

Memoirs of Antoine May, a gloves maker (1810-1899)
Born in Hamburg in 1810 Antoine made and sold gloves there before going to Amsterdam, Cologne, Aachen, Lunéville, Paris, Grenoble, and New York. The author provides a living account of his tribulations and encounters until 1840 even though he still lived some sixty years afterwards (Introduction by Bernard Lyon-Caen, translation from German by Françoise Lyon-Caen).

Pierre-André Meyer
Antoine May in the family network of gloves making in the city of Lunéville

Relying on a genealogical scheme the paper indentifies the people named in Antoine May’s memoirs. It presents the gloves making business in Lunéville as a network made up of the Beer, Nathan and Tréfousse families. One of them was Jules Tréfousse (1809-1894) who pursued his activity in Chaumont (Haute-Marne) where he gave it a remarkable development.

Michel Gaspard
Paul Lévy, linguist, and his family : four Alsatian lineages

The paper deals with the ancestors and family of Paul Lévy (Seebach 1887 - Paris 1962). His grandfather was the famous linguist who published The names of the Israelites in France, a treasure-trove for genealogists. We follow the four lineages of Paul Lévy and his wife Elise (“Lily”) Weil; in Alsace the Lévys from Wissembourg and Scharrachbergheim and the Weils from Bouxwiller and the Cahns from Bliesbruck and Sarreguemines in Lorraine.

Marianne Wolff
Charles Philippe Cahen (1849-1920), Alsatian polytechnician and engineer, his wife Lucie (1858-1920) and their offspring

Charles Cahen, an officer in the regular army ten years older than Alfred Dreyfus, was stationed in Besançon, Fort de France, Saigon, Arras ... until his transfer to Montpellier – far from the Eastern borders – at the time of the Dreyfus Affair. Charles is of Alsatian descent, his parents emigrated to Elbeuf in 1872. The Parisian Lucie Cohen has her origins in Lorraine and Germany. Charles’ and Lucie’s two sons, Emile and Marcel Eugène, were engineers from the Ecole Centrale. Among his many activities Marcel Eugène founded the publication L’Architecture d’aujourd’hui. Their daughter Juliette Cahen-Wolff is the author’s grandmother.

Bernard Lyon-Caen
Max Jacob and Jean-Richard Bloch: their relationship

From Offenbach to Lorraine, to Brittany, to Auxerre and Paris, the links persisted between the two writers otherwise so different one from the other. The author tries to understand the essentials.


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