A Jewish notable: Simon Kanoui (1842-1915)
Geneviève Dermenjian
Simon Kanoui chaired the Jewish consistory of Oran for 45 years. He became famous throughout Algeria for his protecting and promoting the Jewish community of Oranie and Algeria at large and for having the biggest and most expensive synagogue erected in Oran. He also was especially famous and criticized for his canvassing and lobbying. This is why he earned the title of ‘big elector' and the hostility of some Jews and many French people. Vital records allow us to enter into his and his family’s intimacy, become acquainted with his circle of relations and to lay the foundations of a sociological study on the noteworthy characters of Oran: marriages, social positions, progressive ‘franciation”.
In search of Jacob Miguéres
Michel Zaffran
The author, a great grandson of Jacob Miguéres born in Algiers in 1848, summarizes a 10 year-long research. He explores the family mystery around Jacob’s death at age 31 in Lisbon in 1879. Jacob was leaving behind him in Algiers his widow, Sultana Aboulker, and three young children. David Pinto (1834-1915), rabbi and teacher in Algeria, my paternal grand father
Huguette Alphandary
The author reconstitutes the itinerary of her paternal grandfather David Pinto (1834,Marrakech- 1915, Oran), thanks to the family documents and the records obtained at the CARAN and CAOM. Descended from a Portuguese family, he was born in Marrakech and left Morocco around 1865 to move to Algeria, in Oran.He had a big family with Messaouda Aknin who had also some Moroccan roots. “Moroccan indigenous”, David Pinto asked for and obtained the French citizenship in 1883, according to the senatusconsult of 1865. He was a rabbi and a teacher: authorized in 1876 to run a midrash (traditional Jewish school) in Oran, he created in 1897 another in Aïn-Témouchent. The author aims at reconstructing his conditions of life.
The « Lycée Lamoricière » (Oran,Algérie)
Joseph Boumendil
The « Lycée Lamoricière » (Oran, Algérie) was a very prestigious High School from which many generations of students graduated from 1887 to the early sixties. Among them many achieved brilliant professional careers. The Jews of the region of Oran were among the best in the classes, or at least their representation in the elite was higher than their proportion in the global population. The article provides some examples with genealogical indications.
Miscellaneous .
Jewish Paleography
Hebrew paleography;Two Ketuboth from Oran (Algeria) Eliane Roos Schuhl
Study of two religious wedding contracts from the Darmon family in Oran. We inspect them from genealogy, onomastics and paleography viewpoints and cross the way of several reknown rabbis and keynote figures.
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