

Revue du Cercle de Généalogie Juive # 86

April-June 2006


     Forthcoming meetings and activities in Paris and in our regional groups. Report about the last meeting of the Alsace SIG, a visit to Petite Alsace, a hamlet in the 13th Paris section, by Eliane ROOS SCHUHL and Bernard LYON-CAEN. Conference by Félix PEREZ on our regular Monday meetings about the sociology of the Jews accepted at Ecole Polytechnique from 1794 to 1927.



The Jews in Tripoli at the eve of colonization (1911)
French readers generally know little about Libya and its capital Tripoli, which was colonized by Italy cotrarily to Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, the other countries of Maghreb, Northwest Africa. Written sources, even in Italian, are sparse. In order to bridge this gap, Jacques TAÏEB reverts to a chronicle in Hebrew by Mordekhay Cohen, a well-known writer. His paper is built around two themes: demography and onomastics.

Alsatian given names: Schlumen, Heymann, Eitzig, Mayer, Scheinel, Marianne, Claire and all others
Eliane ROOS SCHUHL exploits a wedding agreement executed in 1771 in Haguenau and deposited at the Archives Départementales du Bas-Rhin in Strasbourg. It is mentioned in Mémoire Juive en Alsace, by André-Aaron Fraenckel. She analyzes some usual equivalences between Ashkenazi given names in Alsace and thereupon among descendants of Alsace and Lorraine families widely scattered from the 19th century onward.



The daughters of Lucie Lang or my "cousin" Maurice Leblanc

Andrée LANZ-MARGOLIN has discovered an amusing “relationship" with Maurice Leblanc. Leblanc has become mainly famous as the author of detective stories featuring Arsène Lupin, the "gentleman burglar". Leblanc and Lupin are as familiar to French readers as Agatha Christie and Hercule Poirot, her Belgian detective. The genealogical demonstration is worth the visit.

Alexandre, a Jew from Wittersheim

Laurent KASSEL devotes this article to one of his forebears, Alexandre, a figure in the Jewish community of Wittersheim (Bas-Rhin) during the second half of the 18th century. He follows up the recurrence of this given name along his descendants. The same person is mentioned by Pierre-André Meyer in his article about the Jewish origins of the French President Alexandre Millerand (Issue 80 of this Revue). The author resorts to Mémoire Juive en Alsace, by André-Aaron Fraenckel, the 1784 Census of the Jews in Alsace, the 1808 name adoption registers of the Jews and eventually the civil records covering all French nationals since 1792.



An encyclopedic monograph by Eve Line BLUM-CHERCHEVSKY
Nous sommes 900 Français, in 6 volumes, 1999-2006, Publisher : the author

The author has labored over 10 years on the 2159 pages of this work. It is a memorial for the 878 deportees of convoy 73, which left Drancy on May 15, 1944 toward the Baltic States. The author's efforts and research have found 315 relatives of the victims, one by one; their co-operation was essential to what is now a collective production. Each volume is made of two parts, providing an encyclopedic aspect: the first part documents the history of convoy 73 and also about deportation from a broader point of view; the second part devotes each deportee an individual section. The book is reviewed in detail by Basile Ginger in this issue.




DU N°86

Revue du Cercle de Généalogie Juive n° 86

Avril-Juin 2006