

Revue du Cercle de Généalogie Juive # 84

October-December 2005




Jean-Pierre Kleitz has found the documents preparing the 1784 Census of the (Alsatian) Jews deposited at the Bas-Rhin archives.. They contain richer information than the published final census, family names, birth dates and places of the family members, titles and trades, estimated assets, links and rights between the individual and the sire (taxes, etc.). Few documents of this type have survived. We have already published those for Rosheim and Odratzheim in Bas-Rhin and for 7 villages of the former county of Hanau-Lichtenberg.

The Memoirs of Jules Hayem (1856-1947) recall the life of his family in Metz, Longeville, Vallières, etc. starting at the beginning of the 19th century. They are based on accurate memories of the religious celebrations and the interface between Israelites and Christians. While the full text is restricted to his family, an abridged version has been written by
Philippe Levet, his recently deceased great-grandson. This documents provides an insight into the private and social life of several families in Lorraine villages.

Didier Amar has been collecting for a long time data about the Allatini, Amar and related families. Here he brings unpublished complements to the article by Pascal Faustini published in our issue 82.



Claude Sabin Nadjari tells the history of the Or-Ahaim hospital in Istanbul. During the 19th century, it became a significant foundation, through the perseverance of several Jewish benefactors as well as of the local powers. This well-documented article gives the names and for some, a picture, of the many individuals who contributed to the success of this venture.

In "The tools of Cay Vidal Neveu, a mohel in Nîmes" Eliane Roos Schuhl sketches the life of one member of the Vidal family from Carpentras, one of the four "carrières" (ghettos) where the Jews were permitted to live in the Comtat Venaissin. The author shows the circumciser's operating kit and deciphers the inscriptions on each tool, while stressing certain ambiguous terms leading to different interpretations.



Georges Graner, in "From the webmaster", introduces the revamped website, with a new homepage, unpublished pages about "Jewish surnames", "Research in Alsace" and "The deportees", and how to use "Q & R" as well as the "Member's corner".

Bernard Lyon-Caen reports about the visit of the Alsace SIG to "Jardins Kahn". He also reports his discovering in a 1989 bulletin of the Reichshoffen Historical Society a list of town citizens in 1793 from which he cites those whose name is followed by "Jud" (Jew).



