Pascal Faustini initiates a new range of studies. "The Allatini, a Sephardic dynasty across Europe" describes the fate of this family initially originating in Italy. Its wealth dates back to Moïse Allatini (1809 - 1882) owner of industrial mills in Salonika. Faustini sketches their and their related families' family trees.
Pierre-André Meyer searches the missing link between the families Spire and Spire Lévy in Metz. He starts from a family tree published by Pascal
Faustini in his reference book "La communauté juive de Metz et ses
familles (1565 - 1665)" to find the origin of the composed surname Spire
Lévy borne in Metz by a family during the 18th century. Where do the
lineages of Abraham Spire (d. 1705), préposé (parnass) and Goudchaux Lévy
(d. 1718), also préposé, connect so as to create Spire Lévy? He assumes
that Goudchaux Lévy married Nenche (Nenchen), daughter of Abraham Spire, the couple breeding the brothers Isaac and Alcan Spire Lévy, first bearers of double surname in Metz.
Eliane Roos-Schuhl complements our knowledge of her ancestors Dispeck, originating in a homonymic village (Diespeck). Ilse Vogel, an awardee of the Obermayer German-Jewish Award has devoted herself to keep the Jewish
past of the village alive.
Sister Emmanuelle, a famous Catholic nun who has spent her long life
helping the poorest to survive, has contacted our Society about her
ancestors Dreyfus from Mommenheim in Alsace. Ernest Kallmann, while
providing her the available information, has established a personal
contact. He discovers that the name Emmanuel pervades her family's family
tree and wonders why his correspondent, proud of her Jewish ancestors, has
chosen it as her name in religion.
Eliane Roos-Schuhl guides us in the deciphering the letter-and-number
riddle appearing in an entry of the Worms Memorbuch.