

Revue du Cercle de Généalogie Juive # 81

January-March 2005


The XXth General Assembly of the CGJ took place in Paris on March 13, 2005.



AARON WORMS(1640 - 1722), Rabbi in Metz, is known through “Memoriaux Alsaciens” by Moise Ginsburger and through entry # 839 in the Metz Memorbuch. Pascal Faustini describes Aaron Worms’ family and origin in Metz and Worms, based on unknown documents he has found in Metz Notary deeds. He concentrates on his grandfather, ABRAHAM ABERLE LANDAU, Dayan and parnass in Worms. Several namesakes had been mixed up, the confusion being repeated without check-up by genealogists. Faustini applies the same process to SARA BALLIN, Aaron’s wife, whose family tree he publishes, based on 17th century sources.

The origin of a Parisian family: the Lehmann.
J.B. has recently unearthed documents about the couple SIMON LEHMANN - MINETTE MEYER and now shows their ancestral line. They lived in Sarreguemines at the end of the 18th century and begot a large family of bankers and high government officers. Simon’s ancestors are traced back to the village of Romanswiller around 1700 while Minette’s are Court Jews to the Lords of Hessen-Darmstadt and the Palatinate.

The Jews in Einville during the 19th century.

Einville is a small town near Luneville in Lorraine which has suffered a lot during the 18th century: plague, famine, arson (mainly by the French). Einville really started to prosper only in the early 19th century. Francoise Job scrutinizes the specificities and evolution of its Jewish families and establishes their detailed genealogy.



Georges Graner, our webmaster, statistically analyzes the Questions/Answers section of our website..

A family meeting in Jerusalem in December 2004 has been initiated by Lyse Schwarzfuchs for the descendants of Rabbi LEOPOLD CAHN and his wife LEONORE PERLE WEIL. Eliane Roos-Schuhl, with Jean-Francois Hurstel assisting, reports about the work performed.

In November 2004, Pierre Katz has devoted a lecture at the Alsace local group of our Cercle to a problem often encountered when practicing Jewish genealogy: not to rely only on patronymics. A family belonging to the Schwenheim community exemplifies the case.





