

Revue du Cercle de Généalogie Juive # 72

December 2002


The 18th Annual Meeting will take place on Sunday, March 16, 2003 at the Community Center, 119 rue Lafayette, Paris.



Origin and spreading of the Gugenheim patronym (part 2).

John E. Berkovitch

Recent publications of various census and archival records pertaining to the Jews of Alsace and Lorraine have prompted a renewed interest in the history of their surnames. The present study has established, in part one (Revue CGJ, n° 71), that the first adoption in Germany of the surname Gugenheim goes back to the end of the 1500's. and is associated with a locality so formerly named (today Jugenheim) situated near Mayence. Part two, herewith, identifies the first Gugenheim lines in Alsace, Lorraine and Switzerland, which have turned out to be posterior to the German one. Part three will seek to link them all. Documentation in support of some of these links will be limited due to the destruction of  archives resulting from the Thirty Year War.

Origin and dissemination of the Revel from Bouxwiller


In 1808, three Alsatian Levy families, coming from Ingwiller where they are cited during the 18th century, choose the family name Revel in Bouxwiller. The author wonders about the reasons of this choice and shows the descendant lines of these « new » Revel, which should be put apart from several namesakes of various origins. The author checks the sources of this family name and follows the Revel families from Bouxwiller down to present, in Alsace, Paris and elsewhere.

Origin of the Meyer family from Bergheim : particulars about Jacob Lehmann

Laurent KASSEL

Reading the original Hebrew text of the marriage contract of Behr Lehmann, the Soultz Rabbi, and Hélène Reinau in 1762, as well as other indices reveal a « forgotten » brother in the family. This beneficial renewed digging in documents shows once more that for genealogists, a case is never closed.

Two outstanding characters in the Cohen-Tanoudji genealogy : Rabbi Yismaël and Caïd Yoshua


The author has published the status of his research about the famous family in this journal, Issue # 56, Winter 1998. He now updates where he stands now, provides a complemented family tree and gives in-depth pictures of two major individuals in the family, who have played central roles in the North-African and Sefardi communities during the 15th and 18th century.



- Laurent Kassel and Ernest Kallmann have corresponded about Ele Toledot, a basic tool about the Frankfurt/Main Jewish community.

- Philippe Pierret's doctoral thesis deals with "Memory, religious mentalities and funeral art, the Jewish section of the Dieweg Cemetery in Brussels (1845-1945)"





- The names of the Jews from Tunisia, their origin and meaning, by Paul SEBAG, reviewed by Jacques TAÏEB.

- Wittersheim and Gebolsheim, two Alsatian villages, reviewed by Henry SPIRA (for the part dealing with their Jewish Communities).