

Revue du Cercle de Généalogie Juive # 70

June 2002  


Two lectures due in the 3rd quarter may be of interest to our readers (remember they are taped and sold as sound cassettes) : Abraham Malthete will describe his translation work of the Rosenwiller Cemetery (1753-1980) on October 7, 2002 ; Guy Alban de Rougemont will speak about the Lazard bankers family on November 4.



Preliminary document for the 1784 census of the Jews of Alsace : Ingenheim, Ingwiller, Neuwiller-les-Saverne, Lichtenberg, Pfaffenhoffen, Offwiller, and Schwindratzheim.

Jean-Pierre Kleitz

The original documents is in the "Archives départementales du Bas-Rhin" reference 159 J 43. J.P. Kleitz  completed A.M. Haarscher's edition with the given names of the children and with his own comments.



A Ketubah from Carpentras

Max Polonovski

The third ketubah from the Reuben and Helene Dennis Museum (synagogue Ben Tzedek, Toronto) is that of Jassé Carcassone and Pora Crémieux, parents of Sara Carcassone, dated 7 shevat 5543 (1783). The witnesses' signatures allow identifying some 10 persons.

Jewish-Ukrainian onomastics

 Françoise Lyon-Caen

Françoise Lyon Cahenanalyzes the information provided by one of our members, Franck d'Almeida-Zolti, who has started a research on those of his ancestors originating in the South-West of Ukraine. He continues corresponding with the Dniepropetrovsk Region Archives.

Don't be scared by the Internet

 Georges Graner

Georges Graner, co-webmaster of the Cercle de Généalogie Juive's website with Eve Line Blum, encourages our readers to navigate on the Net, and recalls his profitable and varied findings in several places, ranging from the Bordeaux region to Hungary and Romania.


The genealogy of a peddler

This new section in the Revue, started in our issue 69, is devoted to the genealogy and the history of individuals or families from a yet unpublished document : the Register of the Paris Consistoire (Council) 1809-1810. Claudie BLAMONT offers the genealogy of the son of a peddler : Abélard Lévy, son of Eléazar de Modène, one of the two first Jews accepted as students in Ecole Normale Supérieure in 1813, who became a famous mineralogist.



Anne Lifshitz-Krams announces her "La naturalisation des Juifs en France au XIXe siècle" (Naturalization of Jews in the 19th century) published by Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.

Jean LALOUM posts a call for additional testimonies for his History of the Jewish "Marais" section of Paris, to be published soon.

The Paris national Archives are said to reopen after rehabilitation works, in December 2002.