In Memoriam: Michel Créhange FAMILIES When the Jews settled in Metz (III) Pascal FAUSTINI achieves his enquiry about the origin of the first jewish families of Metz. Abraham de Saint-Avold is the last protagonist of the trial described in the issue n° 64 of the Revue Does he belong to the Cahen family ? An amazing encounter (1669-2001) Bernard LYON-CAEN tells the story of Raphaël Lévy, wrongly charged in 1669 with the rape and murder of the young Didier Le Moyne, and burnt at the stake. The descendants of both families met in Metz February 2001. Histoire et Mémoire Through the death of his grand parents in Auschwitz, Jean-Pierre NETTER shows how Memory needs proofs to become History. MISCELLANEOUS Marriages in Constantine (Algeria) in 1850 by Fernand DERAY About the tombstone of Joseph Gaon, a XVIIth century merchant in the jewish cemetery of Venice, by Eliane ROOS SCHUHL Genealogical tribulations in Istanbul by Barbara ALGAZE, a guide to jewish genealogical research in Istanbul. The ressources of Archiv Bibliographia Judaïca in Francfort/Main by Doris BENSIMON FROM OUR LIBRARY PRESS AND BOOK REVIEW QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ERNEST KALLMANN ASCENDANCY |