

Revue du Cercle de Généalogie Juive N° 62, Summer 2000


DNA and genealogy or
What are geneticiens running for ?

Anne Lifschitz - Krams

For long time, genealogy has been a tool for scientists tracing the genes causing hereditary diseases. As appears in recent initiatives, the move from scientific research to partnerships between gene scientists and genealogists raises questions, which are analyzed by ALK.

Daniel Morali

Daniel MORALI publishes his ancestor list, dating back to mediaeval Spain and North Africa ; several documents witness the history of his earliest ancestors who were famous rabbis. Daniel Morali owes Cercle de Généalogie Juive and its Family Finder list having discovered and thereupon met at the Paris International Genealogy Seminar in 1997 a previously unknown cousin.

Denis Ingold, Günter Boll, Ernest Kallmann, Eliane Roos-Schuhl, Claudie Blamont

A tombstone dating back to 1697 has recently been discovered in the Jungholtz Jewish Cemetery. The epitaph, deciphered by Günter BOLL, prompts Denis INGOLD to narrate the history of the Jewish community of Issenheim, starting in the 16th century

On several genealogy trips to the Palatinate, Ernest KALLMANN has gathered documents for the location of genealogy sources. The docket is deposited at the library of Cercle de Généalogie Juive.

Exemplifying the transcription of a 1805 ketuba from Comtat Venaissin, Eliane ROOS-SCHUHL analyzes how the Hebrew and the Revolutionary calendars can be happily associated in such a document.

Claudie BLAMONT suggests a deliberate search for records of the " serments civiques " (oaths sworn in 1792 by the Jews after their emancipation by the French Republic, by which they agreed to adhere to civil Law and receive citizenship) which may yield useful genealogical information.


Seminars and Exhibitions

 A relation by Jean-Pierre BERNARD about the Alsatian cemeteries


In the corpus of the French Committee for Jewish Archives, a catalogue on the Jews of the Département des Bouches-du-Rhône, an inventory of the documents kept in the Archives Départementales de Meurthe-et-Moselle, an inventory of the archives of the Jewish community of Nancy; Notes on notary and forensic acts from Boulay, Bouzonville and Freistroff (XVIth and XVIIh century); Vital records from Constantine (Algeria) in the XIXth century, etc..