

Revue du Cercle de Généalogie Juive N° 53, Spring 1998

Only the main papers are listed



The Oppenheimer, a family of converted Jews.
Pascal Faustini

The Oppenheimer , a family of converted Jews, after failing to succeed in overseas commercial exchange, settle as traders in Rouen and Le Havre where they reach notability before moving to Paris


The Jews protected by France in the ports of the Levant andBarbary. P. 9

Max Polonovski

Lists of names, drawn from the Foreign Affairs correspondence (XVIIIth- XXth century) in the Paris National Archives

The Mohelbuch of Rabbi Moyses Schuhl from 1773 to 1806 in and around Westhouse (Alsace) p. 13

Eliane Roos Schuhl

Transcribed and commented, based on life records and census, by one of his descendant.


Turkish-born Jews deported from France

Mathilde Tagger

The Turkish-born Jews, whose parents came to France in the late 19 th century, were deported from France ; 1282 died in the camps. Their names and birthplaces are listed.


The 18th Seminar of Jewish genealogy in Los Angeles (July 12-17 1998). A Federation of the jewish european genealogical societies ? Seminar of the Jewish Historical Society of Alsace/Lorraine (Strasbourg, February 1998).

Our LIBRARY has grown by 147 documents and books in 1997. Those of the 1998 first quarter are about the Haut-Rhin Département mostly


The French Jews from the French Revolution to nowadays. The French Jews and the Vichy regime (1940-1944). The Jewish cemeteries in Wandsbek, a Memorbuch.


And also :

Queries and replies, Ascendancy lists, Letters to the Editor, Subscription and Recommandations