




Activities of our Society

Meetings (p.5). Minitel (p.28).


The memory of the People of the Book (p.6)

Genealogical interest of the different parts of a classical hebrew book: front page, recommandations, introduction, the book itself and the colophon.


Sources in Israel for the genealogy of the Jews of Izmir (p. 10)

Many documents about the Jews of Izmir are kept in Israel. Among them : Marriages registries of 19th century, newspapers collections at the Ben Zvi Institute and Dov Cohen’s database of some 200 names.


The Berdugo family : a Moroecan rabbinical dynasty

An example of a Jewish Moroccan family, with many rabbis that can be found in Ben Naim's book "Malkei Rabbanan".


Descendance of the Nerson family (following) (p. 14)

More information on a branch of the Nerson family from Wittersheim, Alsace.


Napoleon, Josephine and... Crémieu

The emperor Napoleon I and his "magnificent spouse" sung by a French rabbi-poet of the beginning of the 19th century.


The Fifth International Seminar on Jewish Genealogy - Paris, July 13-17,1997 (p.16)



Books (p.21) :

Emigration from Alsace and Lorraine through cities names.

Confined Jews in the camp of Ecrouves, Lorraine.

A guide to Jewish names in France.

A new book : "My ancestors, the Jews of the Pope".


Reviews (p.22) :

Researches in Paris, Slovakia, Italy.

Genealogy and computers, minitel and internet.

Documents on Jews at the Guebwiller Center.

Sephardic families of Homburg.

The National Library of France.

An index for the French reference book "Guide to research family histories".

Mohelbuch of Rabbi Simon Blum.


See also :

Queries and replies (p.25). Ascent lists (p.30). Letters to the editor (p.33).