Genealogists' good manners (p.6)
How to exchange properly informations, write a letter... A behavior code for genealogists.
Joumey to the French Overseas Archives Center (p. 8)
Microfilms of Algerian civil state older than one hundred years can be found in this center, at Aix-en-Provence. Other sources are mentioned.
Where are hidden ketubot ? (p. 10)
In addition to family attics and cupboards, archives, museums, books are full of these
marriage contracts essential for jewish genealogy. A general index has still to be done.
A famous French from Marmoutier : Georges Mandel (p. 11)
The ascendancy of the minister Louis Rotschild alias Georges Mandel, originating from Bas-Rhin and Germany, killed by the French militia in 1944.
Hebrew Paleography : Maimonides (p. 13)
How to read this prestigious signature.
Jewish families named Trautmann in France (p.14)
An original study, made from a civil state inquiry and 1808 declarations
The Hadamard family : from Metz to Paris (p. 18)
From the 17th to the 20th century, the links and fate of a famous family of Metz.
Informations (p.25) :
Forthcoming genealogy seminars ; 1808 declarations of names in Haut-Rhin ;
1808 registry in Orange ; Jewish cemetery in St-Petersburg.
Reviews (p.26) :
Genealogies De Vidas (Smyrna), De Menasce (Cairo) ; légal majority age for marriage ;.
the Jews in Malta ; genealogy in Lorraine ;
decennal index to the Bulletin of the Genealogical Society of Alsace ;
trials of Vicente Furtado and of the Lopes Milao family in Lisbonne (1609) ;
Nathan family in Rio de Janeiro.
Books (p.27) :
The Ghetto of Vercelli (Piedmont) ; the comunity of Grosbliederstroff (Alsace) ; the Dreyfus family.
Subscription for the "Record of names declarations of the Jews of Bas-Rhin in 1808" (p.33)
Special interest groups for jewish genealogy (p.34)
See also :
Queries and replies (p.28) ;
Ascendancy lists (p.32) ;
Letters to the editor (p.33).