Works in progress about 1808 names declarations of the Jews in France (p.6)
An up-to-date picture of the ongoing research concerning the 1808 declarations in France,
including text édition and database constitution is presented.
Computerized record of the registries of names declarations of the Jews in France in 1808 ( p. 11 )
The making of a database from the 1808 declarations makes it a legal obligation to
publish an official announcement, the text of which is presented.
Name adoption and history of the Jews in Gand (p. 12)
The history of the Jews in (rand (Belgium) is placed in perspective through examples from the 1808 declarations.
Names adoption and "No-usury" certificates in Alsace in 1808 (p. 14)
The 1808 decrees revisited : analysis of Hebrew signatures from declarations in Westhouse (Alsace) : application of the so-called 1808 "No-usury " certificates.
Rabbis of Tunisia (p.20)
Index to Tunisian rabbinical biographies, from 1690 until 1980.
Creation of special interest groups for jewish genealogy (p. 34)
A help for research, the importance of which is related with the participation of each member.
1808 declarations of names in Haut-Rhin ;
Creation of an Alsatian jewish memory Society
Jewish cemeteries in the State of New York ;
Family meeting of people originating from Suwalki ;
Help for research on naturalisations, in the "Bulletin des Lois" (p. 18) ;
Sephardic names in Catalunia (Spain) ;
Censuses in France;
Changes of Algerian town names ;
Alsatian marriages in Paris;
Computer resources ;
Genealogy of Darius Milhaud (p. 19);
Genealogy of Claude Vigée (p. 20)
See also :
Queries and replies (p. 21) ;
Ascendancy li sts (p. 27) ;
Letters to the editor (p.33).