Mutual aid (p.6)
Our "Experts" in foreign languages. A new service for our members.
Naturalizations (p.7-9)
How to search any document about your ancestors' naturalization, at the French National Archives.
Archives of the French Foreign Office Ministry(p.10-11)
An access not always easy. Some interesting resources, mainly at the Diplomatic Archives of Nantes, an index of which you can find at the quai d'Orsay, in Paris.
French diplomatie resources for Morocco (p.12-13)
Mention of some Jewish personalities during the 19thcentury, in the Political Correspondence. Nantes Archives are very promising, but still have to be explored.
Former USSR is opened to genealogy (p.14-15)
Resources available, and comparison of the genealogical research methods in the former USSR.
Hebrew paleography (p.16-18)
Hebrew reading exercise : Ashkenazi writing of 18thcentury, title page of aMahzor in which these inscriptions were found.
About bandages (p.15)
From the circumeision mappoth to the present day civil State : how the recognition of the existence of a person changed.
Various (p.20-24)
A multilingual translation guide ; Two genealogy guides ; Index to the 1784 Census of the Jews of Alsace ; The names Mrejen and O'Hana ;
Jewish merchants at Marseille in 1808 ; Declarations of names in Alsace in 1808 (following) ; Yad Vashem.
See also :
Queries and replies (p.25) ;
Ascendancy lists (p.30) ;
Letters to the editor (p.34).