

Mutual Aid (p.4)

Research by place of interest is already available, thanks to the work of M. Blachais. Next will come more accurate possibilities of research, with the answers to the "Questionnaire" sent with this  issue to our members.


Changes of address (p.7)

Two addresses you have to write down on your address book :

- BP 707, 75261 Paris Cedex 04, France. It’s the new mailing address of our Cercle.

- Alliance Israélite Universelle, 45 rue La Bruyère, Paris 9e. Ifs our new meeting place in



Robert Veil (p.8)

Our first President left us. Madeleine King reminds him.


The Library and Archives of the Alliance Israélite Universelle (p.9)

Some dues to explore this "big house". And still a lot to discover.


The Genealogical Library at Paris (p. 12)

One more place to explore. Especially hundreds of thousands announcement cards.


Our branch in Provence (p. 13)

The Nathan go on gathering informations in the Provence archives. They have been nominated in a Jewish Radio at Marseille. Congratulations !


Colophons (p. 13)

These identifying designs used by a publisher can help for genealogy.


A Jew from Amsterdam in Marseille, in 1679 : the Villereal affair (p. 14)

How Succot was celebrated in 5440 in Marseille.

By the way, what about Villereal's family and descendants ?


See also :

Informations (p. 16) ; Books Review (p. 18) ;

Magazines (p.20) ; Queries and replies (p.21) ;

Ascendancy lists (p.24) ; Letters to the editor (p.25).