



11th Seminar on Jewish Genealogy (p.4)

From 26 to 31 July, everything you always wanted to know about jewish genealogy...


A mutual aid experience (p.6)

Some of our members had two interesting meetings about Eastern Europe. More to come.


"Etsi", Genealogical contest in Jewish schools (p.7)

The idea was already in the air... and need more people to be carried out. Hello, Etsi, and Good Luck !


List of family names of our members (p.8)

A beginning of generalized mutual aid between our members.


Our branch in Provence (p. 10)

The Nathan go on gathering informations in the Provence archives.


Lists of names declarations in 1808, in Alsace [following] (p . l l)

Noted by Pierre Katz, in seventeen Alsatian villages.


Declarations in 1808 in Kuttolsheim (p. 12)

Unusual names were déclar ed by the Jews of this village. Mystery... and some hypothesis.


1992-1942 (p.14)

Fifty years ago... Olivier Cahen relates the life and tragic death of his grand-father in the Shoah. Linked with our history and our genealogies.


Jewish ascendancy of Marcel Proust in Lorraine (p. 17)

Set up by Pierre André Meyer. A historical document.


Jewish Cemeteries in France [following] (p.24)


See also :

Informations (p. 18) ; Magazines (p. 19) ; Books

Review (p.2O) ; Queries and replies (p.34) ;

Ascendancy lists (p.31) ; Letters to the editor (p.33).