

Anne Marie Fribourg
Jewelers from Lorraine to Brazil (first part)
This article, which will include a second part, deals with the route of Lorraine families who went to Brazil around 1850 to work as jewelers. Most often, these migrants went back to France to end their lives. Some members of the next generation settled permanently in Brazil.

Geneviève Haroche Bouzinac
Paul Misraki (1908 - 1998) and his familiy, from Constantinople to Paris
Paul’s youth is rooted in a crossroad of eastern and western influences. Related to two families of Thessaloniki, Fernandez and Misrachi, he had a peaceful childhood in Constantinople, then Bucarest and finally Paris. There, in the high school Janson-de-Sailly, he met Raymond Ventura, who led him into the adventure of the « Collegians ». This encounter will be decisive for his destiny.

Philippe Danan
The Jews of Morocco before the protectorate in the archives of the Alliance Israélite Universelle. A search in progress

For two years, a CGJ team has undertaken the analysis of the archives of the Alliance Israélite Universelle. This article reports on the first results of this work. Life in Morocco before the protectorate of 1912 is described: the old traditions recorded are variously appreciated by those who collected them.

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