
ABSTRACTS of issue 117
Gilles Boulu
The caïd Chalom and his family: a genealogical enquiry
The author describes the work he realized to find the traces and genealogy of one of his ancestors - a wildly known character in his family - the chief or 'caid' Shalom Scemama.
Shalom was a tax collector for the Regency of Tunis in the 19th century. Gilles Boulu links him to the homonymous dynasties of finance collectors and judges of the Jews and provides elements about his descendants. Some of these played a political role in contemporary Tunisia.
The author's experience shows that Jewish Tunisian genealogy requests the use of most varied sources in order to build up the 'familial puzzle' again.

Jacques Bloch
Rabbi Elie Bloch (1909-1943)
The author retraces the life and genealogy of Rabbi Elie Bloch, related to the Debré and Schwartz families.
Appointed as Rabbi for the youngsters in Metz in 1939 he became chaplain for the families evacuated from the Moselle department in September 1939. He found a refuge in the city of Poitiers under the Nazi occupation where he managed to have many children released. Arrested with his daughter on February 11, 1943 a few months after his wife, the three of them were deported from Drancy (convoy #63) and murdered in Auschwitz.

Anne-Marie Fribourg
Searching for Elisabeth
The article relates the fluctuations of the last name of a natural child and her mother's - Elisabeth Créhange - in the middle of the 19th century, first in the Meuse area and then in Paris.
This example is representative of the multiplication of errors that occurred in surnames and quite particularly so as far as women were concerned.

Sylvie Gsell
Routs to roots ; to Romania and Ukrainia 2002-2013
Sylvie Gsell has traveled four times to Romania and Ukrainia between 2002 and 2013 on the footsteps of her family. She shares some comments on what she found during her travels; emotions, encounters and travel tips.

Pierre-André Meyer
The memory of the martyr Raphael Lévy honored in Glatigny (Moselle)
Raphael Lévy, a Jew of the townlet of Boulay in Moselle was burnt alive in Metz on January 17, 1670.He had been falsely charged of the abduction of a child of the village of Glatigny for alleged purposes of ritual murder.
Since then Glatigny was regarded by the Jews as cursed ('gessaert'). Three hundred and forty-four years later a ceremony has put an end to the situation.
Geneological notes on Raphael Lévy follow.

Eliane Roos-Schuhl
Diving into the world of biblical names
From Adam to Esther the author explains the most frequent names coming from the Bible following their chronological order in the text.

Mathilde Tagger
Questions of transcriptions
A few rules for transcribing Hebrew, Arabic and Judeo-Arabic into French.


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