
Gilles Boulu

Family Lumbroso from Tunis

The author presents an overview of the Lumbroso families of the livornese

or portuguese Jewish community in Tunis, most of which came in

the Regency from Italy since the 17th century. Their members proved

themselves to be very dynamic in the commercial activities of the

country and in the organisation of the new community, and later they

began to diversify socially. In the 19th century, the Lumbrosos formed

the majority of the livornese Jews. Based on many sources, but mainly

thanks to the matrimonial registries and the municipal civil state of

Tunis, Gilles Boulu was able to establish the genealogy of these families

and follow a few patronymic branches on several centuries.


Claire Rubinstein-Cohen

The Lumbroso of Mahdia, a Grâna family

Belonging to the group of Grâna Ibero-Italian Jews from Tunisia, the

Lumbroso families seem to have played a prominent role in Tunis but

also in the Sahel, particularly in the port of Mahdia. To this short historical

survey of the families Lumbroso from Mahdia, we added a

genealogy based on archival documents, showing how the initial

inbreeding continues until the 20th century, both in the ante colonial

and colonial period (Before and after 1881).

This research appears to be only a starting point for highlighting the

emblematic figures of the Lumbroso from Mahdia, such as Daniele di

Giacomo and his nephew Eugenio Lumbroso, and their importance in

the development of cultural and business networks in the

Mediterranean area


Anne-Marie Faraggi Rychner

Genealogy and history of the Jewish Community of Salonica from

1900 to 1943

From 1900 to 1943, the history of the Jewish Community of Salonica can

be divided into three distinct chronological periods : 1900 to 1911,

Salonica, a Jewish and Ottoman city, the prosperous years, 1912 to 1940,

Salonica, a Greek city, a time of upheaval and migrations, 1941 to 1943,

Salonica and the German occupation, massive deportations of the

Jewish Community. The genealogical sources can be found in Le Journal

de Salonique from 1895 to 1910, in the naturalization records of the

receiving countries, and finally under Yad Vashem.


Michaël Gasperoni

Useful sources in Italy

The author reviews all available archives in order to learn the history

and itinaries of Jewish families in the peninsula.


Jean-Camille Bloch

The genizah of the synagogue of Dambach-la-Ville

An accidental discovery in 2013 allows the author to make us discover

what had been cast away under the roof of this Alsatian village and

had remained hidden for centuries.


Eliane Roos Schuhl

Curiosities in the Alsatian village of Scherwiller

From rabbi 'Benjamin Scherwiller' Hemmendinger to engraved staircases

and embroidered eggs.


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