
Issue number 112




  ABSTRACT of the Issue # 112


Revue française de généalogie juive, edited by the CGJ

winter 2012



Sol's bracelet.

Pierre-André Meyer

Without being a familiar of the Judeo-Spanish world the autor is looking for his "Ottoman" roots embodied by his great-grandmother born in 1870 in Constantinople. Using family as well as archival documents, published books and Internet resources, he is portraying his "Sephardic branch". He is focusing on a few strong individualities such as his great-great grandfather Abraham Isaïe AGIMAN, a member of the Ottoman Parliament and CAMONDO's trusted agent. Branches of the family spread in a multitude of countries over the years and settled in Paris, Vienna, Trieste, in England, America and Israel. P.-A. Meyer traces his family from its "cradle in Istanbul" until its complete dispersion.

Genealogical travels along the Tisza River.

Georges Graner

The GOTTDIENER ancestors of the autor lived in Hungary near the Tisz River and its tributary the Bodrog River, in the Tokaj region. They were rabbis or wine merchants from 1800 to WW2. After he has established their genealogy, he questions the family legends: did the GOTTDIENER actually come from Spain through Turkey? He also fancies that they were among those who created or improved the wordl famous Tokaj wine.




Chemama families from Tunisia: investigating a murder, deconstructing a myth.

Thierry Samama

The autor investigates a legend transmitted among certain Chemama/Samama/Scemama families from Tunisia. The legend in question pertains to events occuring in the 8th century CE. It involves Caliph Harun-al-Rashid (of 1001 Nights fame) and Idriss I, the founder of Morocco. Precise analysis of modern versions of the story, coupled with recent academic work on the various narratives produced by numerous Muslim historians, lead to a conclusion regarding the verisimilitude of the legend..


Jewish Paleography

In the rouen cemetery: about a dates mistake

Eliane Roos Schuhl


Press and Books review


Questions and Answers


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