
Homage Rosine Alexandre (1918-2012). 
Families Salomon Halphen (1773-1840), jeweller in Paris, and his "dynasty". Pierre-André MEYER Little know Solomon Halphen (1773-1840) occupied a leading position in the Parisian jewelry trade under the Restoration and the "Monarchie de Juillet". As member of the central Consistory of the Jews he left a reptation of generous philantropist. He found himself at head of a "Halphen dynasty" when most of his eight sons and their offspring followed his tracks. Unpretending as they were remained obscure untill this current historical and genealogical survey. Two "Dreyfus Hotels" in Paris. Bernard LYON-CAEN Two mansions named "Dreyfus Hotels" are know in Paris. Who were their two distinct owners who seem to have no family links together though both originated in Alsace? This question leads to investigate Auguste Dreyfus' commercial business in Peru in the 19th century, to recall the designing of the "Daniel Dreyfus Hotel" by famous architect Mallet-Stevens 50 years later.  Miscellaneous
A rape in Metz in the 18th century. Max POLONOVSKI
The archives of the Intendance of Metz in the middle of the 18th century give somme information about two sexual cases. The first one concerns two members of the Jewish community who have been blackmailed by a pregnant woman. The other one gives a testimony of a young woman, from a well know local Jewish family, who was raped by a Talmudic student. A comparison of her marriage contract with her sister's ketubboth may confirm that her social status was depreciated after this alleged crime. Malta mystery in 1864: the contribution of Maltese sources to Jewish genealogy in 19th century Regency of Tunis. Thierry SAMAMA
The autor's great-grandfather Elie Bessis, a Tunisian Jew and British subject, was born in Malta in 1864. Fleeing Sousse what were his parents doing there? This question leads the autor to depict a lively historical context and make the most of the Maltese resources for Jewish genealogy in 19th century Tunis Regency. . Raymond Aubrac (1914-2012) ancestry. Guy WORMS
A tribute to the great French "resistant" Raymond Aubrac who just died (1914-2012). Eight generations of his ancestry with their originis in Lorraine (on his father's side) and Alsace (on his mother's) are published. 
Paleography medieval inscriptions of headstones in Paris. Eliane ROOS-SCHUHL

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