








The descendants of Raphael Vorms from Bionville (Moselle) - Part two : two generations

LOUIS VORMS AND GUY WORMS, publish the descendant list of the older son of Raphael Worms, Hayman, over five generations. They know further descendants, but the limitation results from our rule not de publish data about living persons. A number of well-known personalities who could have been listed is nevertheless given. Two members of the list have required in-depth research to be identified; the authors reveal the details of their research


About the family name Haas (Guebwiller – Belfort).

DENIS INGOLD makes a major discovery about the origin of the Christian family Haas whose descendants include a French representative Emile Keller and the Paris archbishop Cardinal Maurice Feltin. Their common forefather Leopold Haas was a Jew who converted to Catholicism in Guebwiller around 1617, at age 22. In his 1963 publication about the Haas-Mayer family, François Klée had placed Leopold’s birthplace near Ottmarsheim. Ingold discovers that Klée has misread the Latin citation in Leopold’s death record and elaborates on a recently discovered document by a remote descendant. The birthplace is in fact Jungholz, where a Jewish Haas has been documented at the same period. Ingold evaluates the pros and cons of two possibilities : Leopold adopting the Christian name Haas after his baptism or David/Leopold carrying over his Jewish nickname Haas/zum Hasen into his Christian life. The author opts for the latter possibility.


Trying to find my Dilsheimer family

PATRICIA HAAS has started her genealogy prompted by her grandchildren’s birth. Her paternal grandmother Renée was born in Versailles in 1881 from Samuel Schorestène and Sophie Dilsheimer. The ancestors of Samuel Schorestène/Schornstein come from Alsace and are well documented; they originate in a rabbi/cantor family. Sophie Dilsheimer’s origin is harder to find, but a stepwise approach through Internet and visits to Paris cemeteries, including proving one is the legal owner by descendency of the tomb and thus entitled to access the corresponding file, finally knacks the nut; Sophie comes from Aschaffenburg, Bavaria. The author neither speaks nor reads German but by joining Cercle de Généalogie Juive receives the needed assistance to trace her Dilsheimer ancestors back to one born around 1720..



Our members have answered the Questionnaire

Late 2007, we issued a questionnaire to all our members in order to get a true picture of all of them. Some 35 percent replied early 2008. The answers have been exploited according to strict professional rules by a team of five Board members under the leadership of President JOËLLE ALLOUCHE-BENAYOUN. The statistical results are published in this paper and cover all aspects of the relationship each member can have with the society: the Revue, the monthly lectures, the Sigs, the library, the website, the sections in the French provinces, etc. They are related to the sociological analysis of the constituency, as it appears from the answers to the first sets of questions.


From Senior to Schneerso(h)n

ELIANE ROOS SCHUHL elaborates on the Jewish names deriving from the Latin root senior, meaning the older, the lord. According to the pronunciation (Ashkenazi or Sephardic) the variations are many. The author selects examples from all periods and all regions in the world, thus letting us know many famous bearers of the name.




