The Cercle de Généalogie Juive is the first Jewish Genealogical Society in France. Founded in 1984, the CGJ has about 600 members. The CGJ belongs to the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies (IAJGS) and to the Fédération Française de Généalogie (FFG).
A non-profit organization, the Cercle is composed of amateur genealogists, experienced and beginners and its purposes are multiple.
the Cercle offers various possibilities.
To help you to build, enrich, and publish your personal Jewish genealogy, whatever your previous knowledge, your geographical origin, your mother tongue, your philosophical or religious convictions.
To exchange information with other members
To participate in global interest projects. The most experienced members take part in research teams of global interest listing the gravestones in cemeteries, collecting and digitalizing civil records, notarial data, military files, etc… Join them!
To establish a network of specialists in several branches of genealogical interest : onomastics, paleography, history of Jewish communities…They will inform about their discoveries in our Revue and on our Website. They will enrich our section