Become a Member

Join us and become a member of the Cercle de Généalogie Juive.

- You will be helped for your genealogical researches by expert members

- You will be able to look at all pages of the present Website

- You will participate to specialized groups (North Africa, Eastern Europe, Lorraine and Alsace)

- You will listen to our monthly lectures

- You will be able to consult all the documents of our library and you will also get a 10% discount on all our publications.

For a somewhat higher fee, you will receive our quarterly journal either as a paper copy or in a digital form.


To become a member, first create an account.

After that, you will receive an email to confirm your subscription and asking you to confirm it by clicking on a link. Then you will be able to choose your password and to fill a form with your details: name, address, phone, main interests...

And finally you will go to our shop on line, select "Membership", and choose the type of membership you want.

You will become a member of CGJ after the payment of your annual fee.