Bibliothèque du CGJ

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Les cotes des documents de la bibliothèque sont celles du Catalogue ci-dessous.

Nombre de résultats = 25 3477/3477
Lieu Département Cote Auteur Année Sujet Titre Pages Date
Bas-Rhin et ALLEM. Sarre 67 E0742 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 15, n.4, p17 1999 Fa Geneal. Research in Its Historical Context: my family (Weil) back / Esther Ramon 3 17 - 20 s
RUSSIE (Empire R.) E0752 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 16, n.1, p20 2000 So Residents' lists and the Russian Military Draft / Vilius Botyrius, Daniel Rozas 3 19 s
GR.-BRETAGNE E0753 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 16, n.1, p25 2000 Me Using CD-ROM Databases and the Internet to Research England / Ron Arons 2 19 - 20 s
MONDE E0754 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 16, n.1, p29 2000 La Common Hebrew Abbreviations on Tombstones / Rabbi Shalom Bronstein 1
EUROPE de l'Est E0755 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 16, n.2, p19 2000 Hi Influence of Migrants from Czech Lands on J. Commun. in E. Europe / Alexander Beider 9 10 - 19 s
RUSSIE (Empire R.) E0756 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 16, n.2, p32 2000 Me Jewish Genealogical Research in the Imperial Russian Empire / Vladislav Soshnikov 6
RUSSIE (Empire R.) E0757 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 16, n.2, p38 2000 So Gospodskaia Duma, Summer 1907 ; Voter Registration Lists / Harry D. Boonin 4 1907
ALLEMAGNE E0758 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 16, n.2, p43 2000 Ec German Name Adoptions / Angelika G. Ellmann-Krüger, Edward David Luft 3 19 s
BIELORUSSIE E0759 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 16, n.3, p19 2000 Me Jewish genealogical Research in Belarus / Vladislav Soshnikov 3
MOLDAVIE E0760 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 16, n.3, p22 2000 Me Jewish genealogical Research in Moldova / Vladislav Soshnikov 1
UKRAINE E0761 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 16, n.3, p23 2000 Me Jewish genealogical Research in Ukraine / Vladislav Soshnikov 4
RUSSIE (Empire R.) E0762 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 16, n.3, p29 2000 Me The Russian National Census of 1897 / Thomas K. Edlund 11
EUROPE de l'Est E0763 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 16, n.3, p49 2000 Me Tips on Translating Entries From "Slownik Geograficzny" / William F. Hoffman 5
EUROPE E0787 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 17, n.1, p15 2001 Sh Using the Pages of Testimony Computerized Database / Shalom Bronstein 3 1939 - 1945
EUROPE E0788 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 17, n.1, p18 2001 On The Evolution of Ashkenazic Given Names: Some General Aspects / Alexander Beider 5
EUROPE E0789 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 17, n.1, p47 2001 On Ashken. European Names: Databases for Europ. and Foreign Countries / Gerald L. Esterson, David Curwin 9 1795 - 1925
MONDE E0790 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 17, n.2, p03 2001 So Strategies for Using the Ellis Island Database / Gary Mokotoff 4
MONDE E0791 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 17, n.2, p45 2001 Me Genealogical Records: Should We Believe What We Read / Richard M. Spector 2
AUTRICHE-HONGRIE E0792 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 17, n.3, p25 2001 Re The 1869 Austro-Hungarian Census / Edward David Luft 3 1869
BELGIQUE E0797 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 17, n.4, p14 2001 Sh Museum of Resistance and Deportation in Malines, and other Sources / Marcel Apsel 3 1940 - 1944
EUROPE de l'Est E0813 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 18, n.1, p3 2002 Me Tracking Family Documents Accross eastern-European Borders / Miriam Weiner CG 1
POLOGNE E0815 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 18, n2, p19 2002 Me Researching Pre-1826 Vital Records in Congress Poland / Fay Bussgang 3 1810 - 1826
EUROPE de l'Est E0814 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 18, n2, p28 2002 Li Rabbinical Genealogies Prepared by Paul Jacobi 1
EUROPE E0821 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 18, n3, p19 2002 Sh Using the Red Cross to Learn about Holocaust Victims / Arline Sachs 1 1939 - 1945
MONDE E0822 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 18, n3, p27 2002 Sh Research Materials and Opportunities at the USHMM at 2003 JGC / Peter Lande 2 1939 - 1945