Bibliothèque du CGJ

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Les cotes des documents de la bibliothèque sont celles du Catalogue ci-dessous.

Nombre de résultats = 25 3477/3477
Lieu Département Cote Auteur Année Sujet Titre Pages Date
USA E0823 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 18, n4, p17 2002 So U.S. National Archives II Highlights / Roberta Solit, Rita Margolis 5
GR.-BRETAGNE, Ecosse E0842 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 19, n1, p25 2003 So Jewish Genealogical Research in Scotland / Harvey Kaplan 4
POLOGNE et RUSSIE (Empire R.) E0842 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 19, n3, p28 2003 So Jewish Surnames in Russia, Poland, Galicia and Prussia / Alexander Beider 4
RUSSIE (Empire R.) et POLOGNE E0842 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 19, n3, p28 2003 So Jewish Surnames in Russia, Poland, Galicia and Prussia / Alexander Beider 4
ITALIE E0843 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 19, n3, p39 2003 So Portuguese Jews of Italy / Lionel Lévy 6
HONGRIE E0844 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 19, n4, p13 2003 So Documents of Hungarian Jewish Archives / Kinga Frojimovics 6
EUROPE de l'Est E0847 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 20, n3, p17 2004 On Creation and Widespread Use of Compound Artificial J. Family Names / Alexander Beider 7
EUROPE de l'Est E0858 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 20, n4, p3 2004 Sh How to Find People Who Submitted Pages of Testimony at Yad Vashem / Randy Daitch, Sallyann Amdur Sack 3
ISRAEL E0859 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 21, n1, p50 2005 So Central Zionist Archives Launches Web Page and Genealogy Service / Shalom Bronstein 1
MONDE E0860 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 21, n2, p35 2005 On Two Approaches in Jewish Onomastics: Menk and the Guggenheimers / Alexander Beider 7
MONDE E0861 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 21, n4, p27 2005 Me Placing Hard Copy Data on a Searchable CD / Arline and Sydney Sachs 1
URSS (ex-) E0862 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 22, n1, p27 2006 So Using the Russian "Memoriel" Database / Boris Feldblyum 3 1935 - 1955
EUROPE E0863 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 22, n2, p03 2006 Sh ITS Documents Accessible at Last: But What Happens Next? / Peter Landé 4 20 s
SEFARADES E0879 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 22, n2, p15 2006 On Sephardic Surnames: Evolution through the Millenia, role in Genealogy 6
ALLEMAGNE E0880 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 22, n3, p21 2006 Di The Half- and Quarter-Jewish Germans of the Nazi Era 3 20 s
GRECE, Salonique E0884 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 23, n1, p40 2007 So Family History Research on Sephardic Jewry 10
MONDE E0885 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 23, n2, p4 2007 Me DNA and Jewish Genealogy Join Forces 5
EUROPE de l'Est E0886 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 23, n3, p3 2007 So East European Archival Internet Sites 4
EUROPE de l'Est E0887 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 23, n3, p3 2007 Me Galizianer-Litvak Divide: Demolished by Y-DNA Studies 5
SEFARADES E0888 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 23, n4, p10 2007 So SephardicGen, a Resource Guide for Navigating the Website 3
MONDE E0889 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 23, n4, p3 2007 So Report on a Research Trip to the International Tracing Service 4
ISRAEL E0890 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 24, n1, p13+27 2008 Me Central Zionist Archives, Jerusalem, Israel + Search Bureau 5
MONDE E0891 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 24, n2, p4 2008 So What We Learned in Bad Arolsen + Comments 4
MAROC, Tétouan C0678 R004, Revue du CGJ n.01 et 02 1985 Hi Souvenirs familiaux de Tétouan / Richard Ayoun 2 18 - 20 s
Metz 57 C0469 R004, Revue du CGJ n.01, 2, 3 et 6 Me Comment rechercher ses ancêtres à Metz avant 1792 / Pierre-André Meyer 18 18 s