0ur books, documents and journals are now deposited at the Library of the AIU, 45 rue La Bruyère, 75009 Paris.
Opening hours are the following: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 1 pm to 6 pm, Wednesday 1 pm to 7.30 pm, from September until July, except legal and religious holidays.
The references of the documents are those printed in the catalogue, edition 2013. It can be ordered from our office (see OUR SHOP) or borrowed on the premises. You can also consult the on-line catalogue below.
Except for the books (references beginning by L), booklets (ref. B) and journals (ref. R), only CGJ members can consult our documents.
Anybody can order photocopies (see below).
Use of the on-line catalogue
You can search directly on this website for the documents of interest; Go to the Catalogue
Fill one or maybe two items : place, departement (by its number), author, title or subject.
How to order photocopies
Have a look at the Rates
Note that, on the premises, photocopies are charged 0.25 Euros, to be paid beforehand at the library office.
Important Remark : orders, mail, checks, phone calls, faxes should be sent to the Cercle de Genealogie Juive, 45 rue La Bruyère, 75009 Paris, France.
Loan of documents
Certain documents (L and B) can be loaned to CGJ members at the Library itself.
If you need any further information, send a message to the librarian or to our office. We wish that our members help us to enrich this collection and make use of its wealth to help in their researches.