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Volume 4 : Thematic Lectures and Methodological Workshops

Table of Contents

Conference Committee
Proceedings Committee
Anne Lifshitz-Krams                                             Introductory Words to Volume 4

Section I – General Topics
Anne Feder Lee                                                    Ethical Dilemmas in Genealogy
Garri Regev                                                          Genealogy Societies at the Age of Technology
Sallyann Sack                                                      A Report from the International Institute for Jewish Genealogy

Section II – Specific Resources
Peninah Zilberman                                               Bon voyage! Walking the Paths of my Ancestors:
                                                                           Personalized Planner of eastern European Heritage Journeys

Gérard Zivy                                                         From Phonebooks to “Cousinades”
Ekkehard Hübschmann                                        The Genealogical Significance of Old Photos and Postcards
Jan Berlfein Burns                                               Bringing Historic Family Photos to Life through Photo Books
Erwin Joos                                                          The Missing Images: Eugeen Van Mieghem and the Jewish Emigrants of the Red Star Line

Section III – Deciphering the Sources
Eliane Roos Schuhl                                             Hebrew Paleography – Deciphering Figures, Signatures and Others
Frowald Gil Hüttenmeister                                    Abbreviations and Rashe Tevot in Hebrew Funeral Inscriptions. Deciphering et Problems
Avrohom A. Krauss                                             Calendar Conundrums. Solving Date Discrepancies in Genealogical Records
Jeff Miller                                                           False Trails: back to First Principles
Rhoda Miller                                                       Break Brick Walls: use Word and Excel to mine your Data
Jean-Pierre Stroweis                                           A Methodology to Detect and Correct Erroneous Jewish Names in Digitized Genealogical Records

Section IV – Publish your Genealogy
Marlis Glaser Humphrey                                      Latest Trends in Publishing for Genealogists
Mike Karsen                                                       Write Your Family History NOW!
Daniel J. Kester                                                  Publishing Family Research on the Internet

Section V – Holocaust and Genealogy
Père Patrick Desbois                                          The Action of Yahad in Unum
Patrice Bensimon                                               The Archives of the Association Yahad in Unum. 1- Prior Research in other Archives
Johanna Lehr                                                     The Archives of the Association Yahad in Unum. 2- Onsite Research
Zvi Bernhardt                                                     Yad Vashem Resources for Beginners
                                                                         Yad Vashem Resources, for Advanced Level
                                                                         Use of the International Tracing Service materials (ITS – Yad Vashem)
Naomi Barth                                                       Advanced Searches at the Joint Distribution Committee Names Database

Section VI –Genealogy and Psychology
Catherine Grandsard                                           Israel, a Therapy for Children of Judeo-Christian mixed Couples?
Nathalie Zajde                                                    Transgenerational Transmission of Holocaust Trauma
Helen Brunner                                                    Thinking about Genealogy and the Transmission of Psychic Life

Section VII – Nomination, Affiliation, History, From the Bible till Today
Rabbin Delphine Horvilleur                                  VEELE TOLDOT... These are the Generations…
Franklin Rausky                                                 Midrashic Parenthood: Hidden Genealogies of Biblical Figures
Marcel Apsel                                                     The Evolution of Jewish Family Names from Adam until the 20th Century

Section VIII – Genealogy & genetics
Jits Vanstratten                                                DNA Research and the Origin of Ashkenazi Jews
Doron Behar                                                     Archaeogenetics of the Jewish People
Joël Zlotogora                                                  Relatively Frequent Mendelian Disorders among Jews
Inês Nogueiro, João C. Teixeira, Antonio Amorim, Leonor Gusmão, Luis Alvarez
                                                                       Portuguese Jews after Inquisition: Genetics and Self-awareness
Janet Billstein Akaha                                        The Jews of Frankfurt DNA Project (abstract)
Max Polonovski                                                Find your Family through Genetics
Henri Atlan, Doron Behar, Joël Zlotogora, Joshua Feingold, Marc Fellous
                                                                       Panel discussion: Genetics vs Cultural