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Volume 2: Central and Eastern Europe: (including Germany and Austria). 37 papers, 292 pages - all texts are translated


Table of Contents                                                                                                     

Conference organization Committee
Publishing committee for the Proceedings
Georges Graner & Colette Clement-Zimmermann                                
Introductory words to volume

Allen Jan Meisels
Yizkor Books SIG handout

Beider Alexandre
Jewish Given Names in Eastern Europe at the Turn of the 19th - 20th Centuries

Bloch Ralph
What we can learn from Tombstones
The Jews of Stühlingen: Illuminating a Legend

Chastina Alla
Archival Documents Related to Jewish Roots in Moldova (Former Bessarabia)

Chipman Harold
Adolf and Willibald Duschnitz: Masters of Challenges in Triumph and Tragedy

Denysenko Serghei & Burlachko Alexander
Jewish Genealogical Resources in the Archives of the Southern and Southeastern Ukraine

Doctor Ron & Sobel Kishon Susan
Town-Based Re-Indexing of the Ellis Island Database

Doctor Ron
The new Ukraine SIG, One Year Later
Kremenets District Research Group (KDRG) Annual meeting at IAJGS Conference, Paris, France

Dunai Alex
Sources for Jewish Genealogy from 18th to 20th Centuries, in the Collections of the State Central Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv

Feigmanis Aleksandrs
New Archival, Printed and Internet Sources for Genealogical Studies in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia

Fürth Thomas
Researching 17th and 18th Centuries Families in Bohemia

Hoffman Carol
Research Your Litvak Roots with LitvakSIG
Jumara Dan
Resources for Jewish Genealogy in Romania

Kogan Yefim
Bessarabia SIG
Estate and other Categories of Jews in Bessarabia, Russia in the 19th century
Koltai Andras
How to Find Living Relatives in Hungary

Kubit Bozena
Documenting Missing Jewish Heritage in Upper Silesia
Presentation about the Jews of Gliwice Exhibition

Liseichykau Dzianis
Documents on Jewish Genealogy in the Collections of the National Historical Archives of Belarus

Martin-Rovet Dominique
Romanian roots – Quest of an Assimilated Jewish French Girl... True to her Ancestors

Milewski Françoise
Follow the Footsteps of Jewish Ancestors in Poland

Miller Rhoda
Home Bittersweet Home: Litvak Research and Travel
Lida District Bird of a Feather Meeting
Svencionys Bird of a Feather Meeting

Morozov Boris
Jewish Documents in Russian Archives and How to Find Them

Neubauer Fritz
Old and New Sources about the Lódz Ghetto

Sack Sallyann
Strategies for Finding Relatives Hidden in 19th Century Russian Archival Documents

Serheyeva Iryna
The Pinkasim that the V.I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine holds
Jewish Collections and Documents in Kyiv Archives and V. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

Stankowski Albert
The Virtual Shtetl project as a State-of-the-Art in Contemporary Genealogical Research

Vilmain Vincent
The Contribution of Academic Resources to Genealogical Research (1868-1914)

Weisberger Pamela
Galician Research : Cadastral Maps, Landowners & Voters records. New Horizons for Genealogists

Wermes Martina
The Microfilm Collection of the Jewish Civil and Church Records in the State Archives of Saxony, in Leipzig as a Result of the Activities of the “Reich’ office of Genealogy” (Reichssippenamt)

Wrzosinski Witold
Virtual database of Polish Jewish tombstone inscriptions

Zamoyski Grzegorz
Sources for genealogical research of the Jewish Population in the Polish State Archives
