Catalogue du fonds de documentation

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Nombre de résultats : 3456.
Recherche (plusieurs mots possibles)
lieu dépt Cote Auteur Année Sujet Titretrier par ordre croissant pages Date
ALLEMAGNE E0605 R026, Stammbaum n.5, p12 1995 So The Rudolf Simonis Archives at the Leo Baeck Institute / Claus W. Hirsch 3
RUSSIE (Empire R.) C0611 R011, Roots-Key Vol.15 n.3 1995 Hi The Pale of Settlement 3 1791 - 1917
ISRAEL B064 Evenor Shmuel 1989 Fa The Ornstein family 22 1808 - 1973
TCHEQUE (Rép.), Prague B203 Sadek Vladimir Ci The old Jewish Cemetary and the Klausen Synagogue 48
TCHEQUE (Rép.), Moravie C0372 R020, Shem Tov Vol.8, n.4 1992 On The Neu-Raussnitz tax book 4 1808
ROUMANIE B082 Finkelstein Albert 1991 Hi The Mefkure tragedy 112 1944
POLOGNE L378 NARA 2008 So The Mathausen concentration Camp inventaire des archives du camp 365 1939-1945
SUEDE B343 Judiska Museet Stockholm 2004 Hi The Jews of Sweden their history and tradition 47 18 - 20 s
ALLEMAGNE, Bavière (Franconie) BV E0608 R022, Shemot Vol.3 n.1, p10 1995 So The Jews of Northern Bavaria (Franconia) / Thea Skyte 3 12 - 20 s
GIBRALTAR B091 Serfaty A.B.M. 1958 Hi The Jews of Gibraltar under British Rule 22 17 - 20 s
AUSTRALIE L352 Rutland Suzanne D. 2005 Hi The Jews in Australia 200 1788 - 2000
ALLEMAGNE, Francfort HS L154 Dietz Alexander 1988 So The Jewish Community of Frankfurt 695 1349 - 1849
ALLEMAGNE, Karlsruhe BW L122 Ramon Esther 1992 Fa The Homburger Family from Karlsruhe 191 1674 - 1990
ALLEMAGNE E0880 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 22, n3, p21 2006 Di The Half- and Quarter-Jewish Germans of the Nazi Era 3 20 s
MONDE L346 Plaut Elisabeth S. 2000 Fa The Gumprichs of Münster/Westphalia A Tale of Four Continents 250 18 - 20s
MONDE L347 Plaut Elisabeth S. 1996 Fa The Guggenheim/Wormser Family A Genealogical 300-Year Memoir 300 18 - 20s
EUROPE L210 Kaufmann David et Freudenthal Max 2003 Fa The Gomperz Family ( l'original allemand de 1907), avec CD-ROM 240 16 - 20 s
ALLEMAGNE, Francfort HS L226 Allfrey Anthony 2004 Fa The Goldschmidts 557 15 - 20 s
TCHEQUE (Rép.) L096 Olympia ed. 1992 Co The ghetto of Prague (surtout photos) 126 15 - 20 s
ALLEMAGNE B169 Edlung Thomas Kent 1996 Re The German Minority census of 1939 56 1939
GALICIE R023 Galicia SIG 1995/1999 So The Galitzianer 1995/1999 (en angl) . Vol 3-1/7-1
EUROPE E0788 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 17, n.1, p18 2001 On The Evolution of Ashkenazic Given Names: Some General Aspects / Alexander Beider 5
Alsace C1580 Weill Georges 1996 Hi The Emancipation of the Jews of Alsace. Acculturation and Tradition in the Nineteen Century, 5 19e
Alsace L125 Hyman Paula E. 1991 Hi The Emancipation of the Jews of Alsace 214 19 s
MONDE F063 Kemper Julian 1995 Fa The de Sola Family and the Inquisition (with family trees) 23 9 - 18 s
SEFARADES E0726 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 15, n.1, p37 1999 So The Current State of Sephardic Jewish Genealogy / Laurence Abensur-Hazan 2
SYRIE, Alep C0620 Geraçoes, Vol.1, n.2 Fa The Consular Dynasty of the Picciottos 3 1732 - 1894
ALLEMAGNE E0513 R003, Avotaynu Vol. 9, n.1, p28 1993 So The complete archives of the German Jews / Peter Lande 5
MONDE C0479 Archives Centr. Jérusalem 1981 So The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish people 2
AFRIQUE du NORD C1468 Hi The barbary treaties 1786-1816 neuf traités liant les USA aux Etats du marco, d'Alger, de Tunis et de Tripoli 24 1786-1816
